Rochelle School & Club Row
Arnold Circus
London E2 7ES
Friday 9 October - Monday 19 October 2009
An exhibition of work by 20 shortlisted graduates chosen by judges Gavin Turk, Ralph Rugoff, Louisa Buck and Alison Jaques. New Sensations was launched in 2007 by Channel 4 and The Saatchi Gallery to find the most imaginative and talented artists graduating in the UK and to support students leaving art college.

This year's judges are: artist Gavin Turk; Ralph Rugoff, director of the Hayward Gallery, London; critic Louisa Buck; and Alison Jacques, owner of Alison Jacques Gallery in London.
The four finalists chosen by the judges will be given a bursary to make a new work to present at the exhibition, and each of these 'New Sensations' will have a 3 Minute Wonder Channel 4 film made about them which will also be aired in October. The ultimate winner of the competition will be awarded prize money to support his or her future artistic endeavours.
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