Rochelle School & Club Row
Arnold Circus
London E2 7ES
18 February - 14 March 2010
Open daily, 12-6pm. Free Admission

A Foundation is the London focus of a touring exhibition to Istanbul, England and Germany. In this project contemporary artists from Turkey, the UK and Germany explore reflections on Turkish migration in the 21st Century. Artists include: Nevin Aladag, Zineb Sedira, Adam Chodzko, Olaf Metzel, Denizhan Ozer, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Olaf Nicolai, Ergin Cavusoglu, Melanie Manchot, Asli Sungu, Kiran Kaur Brar and Nasan Tur. Curators Alice Sharp, Peter Cross and Levent Calikoglu and exhibition organiser Denizhan Ozer.
A conference addressing the themes of the exhibition, such as how culture is transformed through migration and the influence of Turkish migration on contemporary practitioners, will take place at the Goethe-Institut 19 February 2010, 9.30am - 5.30pm. Chaired by Edgar Schmitz (Goldsmiths College, London) and Lisa Le Feuvre (Writer and Curator), it will include speakers Irit Rogoff (Professor of Visual Culture at Goldsmiths College, London), Andrew Brown (Senior Strategy Officer, Visual Arts, Arts Council England) and Mehmet Ergen (Director, Arcola Theatre) along with the curators and artists from the exhibition. Tickets are £20/ £15 for concessions.
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